Portal to Submit Poetry Entry
for the Waco Community Race Relations Coalition's “Celebrating Our Oneness Through Poetry” Competition
On April 25, 2024, the Waco Community Race Relations Coalition is sponsoring a “Celebrating Our Oneness Through Poetry”, featuring poetic readings by local and nationally-acclaimed poets as well as three aspiring student poets from local high schools, who will compete for three awards totaling one thousand dollars ($1,000) in cash. The top three students will be chosen from the submissions to confidently perform their selections to an audience gathered during an event on the night of April 25, 2024. The winning performances will be ranked ordered to receive cash awards.
At the link below you can find:
Full guidelines, rules, and instructions
Link to register for the contest
Link to attach your poetic entries (at the end of the registration form).
Please note that you will need to have a Google account in order to log in, register, and submit your entry.